In The Media

Cherry Chan has been featured in the Toronto Star
Article: When Ottawa brought in a new anti-flipping tax, savvy renovators already had a way around it
I had the chance to speak with the Toronto Star about Canada’s new anti-flipping tax and what it means for real estate investors. While the law aims to reduce speculation, it doesn’t impact every investor equally. Many of my clients already report their flipping profits as business income through their corporations, so they’re largely prepared for these changes.
If you have questions about how this might affect your investments, I’m here to help.
Real Estate Tax Tips has been featured in Hardbacon’s list of the 10 best real estate investing blogs in Canada
In this article, Hardbacon highlights the 10 best real estate investing blogs in Canada for 2022.
“The Real Estate Tax Tips blog is both interesting and exciting as it covers topics that very few real estate blogs in Canada do. On this blog, you will find all there is to know about real estate taxation.
The writer does an excellent job of explaining complex topics in plain English”

Real Estate Tax Tips has been featured in the CPA Magazine for their Real Estate Issue
In this article, I shed light on the Capital Gains Tax.
Cherry Chan, a Toronto-based CPA specializing in real estate, says she encounters a lot of confusion among clients when it comes to taxes owed on profi ts from real estate transac-tions. “They think all the profi t they make is taxed but there are many criteria to consider, such as intention of sale, profession and duration of ownership,” she says.
I went on this radio recording/podcast this week.
Incorporating Your Business, With Cherry Chan – Lifestyle Housing
In this episode, Cherry discusses when, why and how to operate your real estate portfolio in a corporation and the different structures available.
Key Takeaways:
– The biggest tax mistake that people make is they don’t incorporate early.
– The reasons you may want to incorporate.
– Specified investment income and how it’s different from an active business.
– Money in your pocket today is worth a lot more than the money in ten years.
– Different corporate structures and when they might make sense.
– Move funds, protect yourself and grow faster with a holding company.
– The downsides to using a corporation…and it can be time consuming.
– Timing matters

Breakthrough Real Estate Investing Podcast Episode 36: Top Accounting Tips For Real Estate Investors
I was featured on a recent episode of the Breakthrough Real Estate Investing Podcast with Rob Break and Sandy MacKay. Click here to visit their website to listen to more of their podcasts.
Here’s What You’ll Learn:
- When and why to incorporate when buying real estate
- How to incorporate and set up the 3 tier structure
- The biggest tax traps that real estate investors must avoid
- What is tax-deductible and what is not
- And much, much more!
The Everyday Investor (2016) – Show 11 “Student Rentals”
I was featured on a recent episode of the Everyday Investor with Rav Toor. Click here to visit the Rogers TV Youtube Channel to watch more of their videos.
Show notes: Examining different real estate investment strategies with host Rav Toor. On this episode: Investing in student rentals with guests Cherry Chan, Roger Auger, Evelyn LaMarsh. Originally aired: June 13, 2016.