2018 is an exciting year. I shared with all of you in an earlier blog post about my ‘why’, my reason for doing all that I do, which is to be the best I can be. To do this with...
Recently I finished listening to the book Leaders Eat Last written by Simon Sinek. There’s a lot of great advice, as usual, by Simon. But one of the ideas that sticks with me the most was his comment about American...
Happy 150 years old Canada! I have lived over half of my life here in Canada, more than 18 years and counting. I still remember the moment when we stepped out of the airport and saw the ENTIRE sky, I...
I was away with the Rock Star team last week at an entrepreneur conference in Cleveland. Dan Kennedy, the host, is a successful businessman and the guru in direct response marketing. The conference was all about the business...
Happy belated Easter everyone! I hope all of you enjoyed your Easter as much as I did. We are so fortunate that our neighborhood hosted an annual Easter Egg Hunt every Easter Sunday. We have been participating ever since we...
It’s getting cold. Before it gets to freezing cold, we took our kids to a nearby farm to pick apples this past weekend. As we parked our car to enter the farm, we saw two bus loads of Chinese tourists...
“Success is measured by inches, not miles.†For some of my long time blog followers, you know that my goal is to be able to do a strict pull up by the end of this year. I am still working...
Update: 2021-11-25 Recently, my clients have been asking a lot of questions about Capital gains tax and rental property. I have addressed some of the most commonly asked Q & A’s in this new post along with a youtube video....