Happy Boxing Day everyone.
I’m writing this blog post as I was sitting at the New Orleans International Airport waiting to board my flight back to Toronto again the second time.
We left our cruise trip bright and early the day before, boarded the plane and we were disembarked due to mechanical issue. No words from Air Canada and no arrangement was made.

Ironically, we got a fortune cookie from the airport food court. The message from fortune cookie reads, ‘a sudden change in plan will test your adaptability.’
I laughed. It couldn’t have been a more timely message. ?
This is usually the time of the year that I re-read some of the goal setting books or self-development book.
When I was stuck at New Orleans for the night, I started watching the Build Your Life Resume program hosted by Jesse Itzler.
If you don’t know him, he’s built the largest private jet company in his late twenties, handling flights and more with it, and later sold it to Warren Buffet’s company. He’s also married to Sarah Blakley, founder of Spanx, a billion-dollar company.
He’s also the published author of two books, Living with a Seal: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet and Living with the Monks: What Turning off my Phone Taught Me About Happiness, Gratitude, and Focus.
He’s run many marathons and made more life achievements that Google can recount. ?
So… he’s got all the life experiences to teach a thing or two about goal setting and creating a life with great experience.
The wifi at my hotel wasn’t great, but I managed to go through 3 lessons in his program with countless amount of interruption, learn a few things that maybe that can be useful to some of you too.
- One New Habit a month
This sounds so crazy but it makes so much sense. If I get to implement just one habit a month, my life will be completely transformed.
Here’s my list of commitment for the first quarter in 2020.
January – wake up at 5am every morning (I’ve done that before and I went back to my old habit, now I’m trying to get this one going again! I can’t tell you how much control and freedom you feel mentally when you wake up earlier in the morning to work on whatever you want.)
February – Fasting 5 days a week (I’ve done intermittent fasting in the past and it worked well for a while. Ever since I started planning for the Wealth Hacker Conference last year, I stopped. 2020 is the time to get back to my fasting routine. ?)
March – break a sweat every single day (this means that I would have to do some form of exercises every single day, another huge commitment!)
Of course, there’re way more things that I want to accomplish in 2020, but let’s start with these three that would get my health back on track!
2. #KevinsRule
Do something you would not have done EVERY 8 weeks to create 150 NEW memories over the next 30 years.
Jesse calls this #KevinsRule as he got this one from his friend called Kevin. Kevin would do something new every 8 weeks or so over the weekend that he’s never tried before.
Something NEW does not have to be big, it can be as small as taking the kids to a bowling game, hiking in the trail that you have never been in, or to me, it is taking the kids to skiing for the very first time.
I’m not a skier and the kids never took any skiing lessons. We shall see how this goes. Hopefully I won’t break my bones. ?
3. Misogi
This is a Japanese term. It means that we all should do something big that would define the upcoming year.
Regular people call the item the bucket list. He calls this the #Fu%kItList. ?
It is something that requires hard work, preparation… for 2019, that was the Wealth Hacker Conference to me.
It can also be something that makes you super alive. It may mean running a marathon that requires training and preparation for the next 10 months.
It is the process of transforming yourself to cross off this item on your own #Fu%kItList that counts.
I haven’t figured out this one as of yet, I’m tempted to run a marathon end of 2020. Let’s see if I can make this as my big goal in 2020!
If you’re a real estate investor, you can also apply these three rules in 2020. I’m pretty sure your real estate business will skyrocket to new height.
It’s almost time for me to board my plane. Happy holidays everyone! See you all next year!
Cherry Chan, CPA, CA
Your Real Estate Accountant